In this video, I introduce the 4 Pillars of the Christian Music Artist (or band) and then we begin going into more detail about the first pillar. This video was originally broadcast on Periscope on May 24, 2016. Feel free to leave your comments and questions here and I will try to answer them as soon as I can. I hope this is beneficial to you.
The 4 Pillars of the Christian Music Artist – Part 1
by jeff | May 24, 2016 | Uncategorized | 6 comments
Great stuff, Jeff! Good content and a strong message. I look forward to your next video. P.S. I don’t ‘believe I could sign’ but maybe I can eventually be helpful in other ways!
Thanks, Steve!
Dear Jeff:
I listened to your four pillars of a Christian music ministry which you are correct about and I won’t be able to listen to the entire video for a couple of days. Your pillars are just fine but if the artist fails in the areas mentioned in my article on songwriting, the four pillars will not help them at all. My article spells out why the majority of artists songs never become popular but those who do follow what the article says, usually become enormously successful. Take any worship artist in the last 400 years, yes 400 years who has written a song according to what I say in the article and you find they become very well known. My article is on Christian Songwriters Network and its title is “How To Write Successful Worship Tunes.” Please do not allow my lack of name recognition cause you to ignore what’s in the article or discredit it.
Hi Tracy, thanks for your note. Interesting article indeed. Here’s a direct link for others who may wish to read the article.
If you have not already, check out CM United. It’s an organization of 3700+ members worldwide and the majority of them are Christian songwriters. It’s free to join. Go to, click on “CM United” in the menu at the top to get there.
And you are correct. But it is something that we will address in one of the future issues of this series.
As an amateur in all things concerning the music biz, I greatly appreciate the advice. I appreciate your paying it forward by sharing things you’ve learned over the years. Thanks & God bless, Brian
Hey Brian, I’m glad it helps. More to come!